An Open Letter to the Reluctant Prepper

An Open Letter to the Reluctant Prepper by Gaye Levy for BackDoor Survival

Becoming prepared can be a lonely journey.  Family members scoff and friends roll their eyes and shy away, thinking you have joined the tin foil hat society. You want to share and you want to talk but say too much to the wrong people and you may be setting yourself up for future free-loading, looting, or worse.

This is a dilemma faced by almost every prepper I know. Most want to join up with other like-minded people but who do they trust?  The issue of trust is one reason why most of us want family members and close friends to come onboard the prepping wagon but alas, few do so willingly and even then, only give lip service to the effort.  I know.  Other than my husband, Shelly (also known as the Survival Husband) none of my family preps and very few of my friends do so either.

This is not anything new.  I wrote about this in January 2012 and periodically since then.  Moreover, in the recent backpack giveaway where I asked readers for topics to write about, suggestions for convincing reluctant family members to prepare was a recurring request.

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Today, with permission from Todd, the editor of The Preparedness Review and the Prepper Website, I am re-producing an open letter that you can deliver to friends, families and others in your circle.  I do this because I truly believe that one of the greatest gifts you can pass on to people you care about is this letter along with some guidance to help them get started.

An Open Letter to Family & Friends

I’m writing this letter because I care about you. Please take a few minutes to read it and think about what I’m saying.

Why the Letter?

Our lives are crazy. We take care of our family, work, eat, play chauffer, pay the bills, etc. When we have a little bit of free time, we like to just veg in front of the TV and watch some brain numbing pictures flicker across the screen. We can go at it like this for days, weeks and even months, not knowing what is going on in the world outside our local community and just getting by with the talk around the water cooler.

And when we take life in these little chunks, separate blocks of our time and attention, it seems a little bit more manageable. We move from one task, event, errand, chore to the other.

The problem is when we look at our lives from a big picture perspective. What if our lives all of the sudden changed? What if the stress of the day came bearing down at you all at once? How could this happen? This can easily happen during an emergency. I’m not talking about your son just stuffed his GI Joe down the toilet, or the dog is out of food emergency. I’m talking about the BIG stuff. How would we take care of our families?

The Big Emergency

The BIG emergency is the one that stops you in your tracks. It can be personal, based in your local community or worldwide. But it is the one that everything else stops and all resources and energy are put towards it.

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